What a Friday. There was some "small" drunkenness. I drunk a lot and then ended up sleeping in my friend boys' apartment after the bar. Memories are missing from the end of the night, I don't even remember which bar we went to. But it was fun and I literally reseted my head. Then yesterday went almost entirely at the bottom of the bed, I was very tired. It was a big pleasure to wake up this morning without a hangover!

It's a very beautiful, misty autumn morning. Had to take some pictures from the balcony, it's so moody. I feel great, I could be so active today that I would finally clean my kitchen, which is still covered with dishes. Just have to get started, it's not so difficult after that.

Oh, yeah. Last night I got sleep paralysis. It was really, really unpleasant. So I woke up to the fact I was lying on my back, I had my eyes open and I could watch the room normally. But I was not able to move my body at all. Hands didn't rise how matter how I tried to flail, my body didn't turn, I didn't get any sound out of my mouth. Awful. My head was full of all kind of thoughts and scenarios about real paralysis and I was already quite alarmed how do I call for help, when I couldn't even even turn to that direction, where my phone was. Then, when I heard some hallucinations, speech, I realized what it was all about. Good ol' sleep paralysis. Unpleasant but harmless state. I don't hope that for anyone. Hopefully the sleep paralysis will not be repeated, a few years ago that occurred too frequently. Scary.